WRITE your letters.
LINK them with mine.
SHARE the love via comments!
Hi all! I am sorry I'm so unreliable with the letters. I think I was supposed to post last week, but I was out of town and didn't put it on my calendar, so I'm back today! Please write some letters and share them with me if you want to!
Dear Carrie,
Your letters are my favorite to read (love addressing one to "person-who-shall-not-be-named!) and you always keep me accountable to the letters. Thanks for your post, otherwise I would have just forgotten again!
Blogging Buddy
Blogging Buddy
Dear ASU football,
What happened last night? I'm so sad. That is all.
A forever fan
I can't wait until Wednesday! It's always such a fun time to go to the conference with all the coaches and specialists in our district. This year, Colleen and I are presenting, too! Can't wait to spend a few days immersed in best practices for reading and writing!
Literacy Enthusiast
Dear Fall in Chicago 2015,
You have been beautiful! Yesterday was a perfect day, clear, sunny, and about 70 degrees. I hope this mild weather sticks around for many weeks to come! You're making my perfect season even perfecter!
Love, Michelle
Dear future husband,
I know you're out there. Looking forward to meeting you soon... or maybe I have already? :-)
Love, an optimist
Love, an optimist
Dear Brian,
I'm so glad we have been friends for so long, seems like lifetime friends considering we met in like 95...so like 20 years now? You're such a great person to have in my corner and I hope we stay friends for years to come!
Love, Michelle
Dear girlfriends,
I have so much fun doing all the things we do - like drinks and gossip on Jess' patio, hanging out at festivals, watching ASU games, spending time on breaks together, craft nights. I'm so thankful for all of our friendships and couldn't get through life without all of you! Here's to many years of friendship to come!
Love, Shel
Dear Twitter,
I love you! Love to go see what everyone is doing each day just by searching for our school hashtag! (#tigerslearn) Imagine if every school did this, it would be so amazing!
Social Media junkie
Dear Twitter,
I love you! Love to go see what everyone is doing each day just by searching for our school hashtag! (#tigerslearn) Imagine if every school did this, it would be so amazing!
Social Media junkie
Dear Self,
I'm so proud of you for sticking to your goals of reading and running and eating better. You're kickin' @$$ at all of it!
Keep it up!
Alright friends, link your letter's with me!