
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

gratitude lately

What a great day to celebrate our blessings! Write your own post and link up with me if you'd like to join!

Today I'm thankful for days of rest. No work for the rest of the week!

Thankful for Justin Theroux. He's so nice to look at...but his show, The Leftovers, it's crazy strange! I was watching the whole episode this morning thinking, "Whaaaattt?" and then at the end it makes a little sense, so I'll watch another. Every single time. Anyone else watching it?

Thankful for sweet notes from students, and their teachers who teach them about showing gratitude.

Thankful for our district's first Twitter Chat! Check out the Storify of it here, and below, a few of my favorite tweets!

Thankful for super funny Bernie memes!


Thankful for this nephew, Jack:

And my sister, who brought him to meet me for the first time a few weeks ago!

Thankful for my blog as a space to write, the people who read and talk to me about it, and the friends I've made because of it.

Making it up as I go!

That's all for me. I hope you have an awesome Thanksgiving and take some time to think about all the amazing things this life blesses us with!

What are you thankful for? Leave your list here!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Oh my goodness, your nephew is such a cutie! Don't you just love sisters? There's nothing quite like them. Sorry for the delayed link up. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for you and all of the talent you share with the rest of the world. ;)
    Literacy Loving Gals

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for you!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! Great list, hope your weekend is relaxing and cozy!

  4. I am thankful for your blog too! I count you among my friends and I've never even "met" you yet! :)

  5. Jack and I (and the rest of the gang!) love you sis! Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Jack and I (and the rest of the gang!) love you sis! Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Thanks for including my tweet! :) I'm thankful to have you in our district!


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