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It's Christmas Eve and I couldn't be happier - to see my favorite people, to share stories and great food, and for the special moments that are sure to come. In addition to those things, here are a few other things that I've been loving lately!
Mariano's Sushi
It's called Oki Sushi, but it's waaaay better thank OK! :-) My fave sushi is tempura sweet potato, and since their place is within Mariano's, they just had to head over to produce to make my request. It was delish - and I got this sweet/spicy chili sauce to put on it. I seriously can't believe I'm still thinking about it, but I want more!
A Cookie Exchange
Made dinner for a few friends last night, who all came with lots of cookies to trade. I always love taking cookies to my family and friends' houses during the holidays but I do not like making 6 different recipes, so the solution? A cookie exchange! Each person brings a half dozen for each person at the party and you leave with lots of different kinds. Plus, I also get to hang out with my girlfriends, so that's a definite win!
Best Friends
(who are teachers, too)
Last night, one of my bffs Jamie texted our friend, Katie and I asking for the best advice for a first year teacher. After the jokes were set aside, Katie said, "and find a friend to vent to every day. If you're lucky, you can still vent to the same person 12 years later." Seriously, awwwhhh! Love those two girls - Jamie I met in college and Katie my first year teaching. Couldn't do life without them!
I seriously just love emojis. Like alot, alot. I think they add so much more depth to our texting, don't you? The funniest thing I think people text me is when they're mad at something not working out right - (like a cookie exchange cookie fail) and they text a cookie with the gun next to it. I am not sure why I find that incredibly hilarious, but I do! (Maybe I shouldn't talk about a gun emoji here on my blog? idk, but I don't care cause it's hilar!) And, I think it would be just great to get the heart in all the colors - so I could do ASU school colors in hearts and basically just have a rainbow of hearts to choose from!
This Image
Let's remember the reason for the season, right friends? I hope that you enjoy all your time with your favorite people and loved ones, and that while it's nice to give gifts, our faith and being there for one another really is what this season is all about.
Merry Christmas Eve!

I love this idea! My favorite is the image you posted. Presence is so important and it is a great reminder!
Best friends and Emojis are THE BEST. Loved reading your list and the explanation for each. You are such a wonderful person and I am loving that I get to call you my friend from afar. Merry Christmas!
Thankful for best friends and merry Christmas to you and your family.
I'm still bummed that I didn't make it to the cookie exchange, though my waistline didn't need the extra calories anyway. Glad you had a great time and hope your Christmas was equally as fabulous!!