
Sunday, January 4, 2015

sunday letters

Join me every other Sunday to share your letters.
Write to people or inanimate objects and then link up below.
Don't forget to leave some love for the other Letters Bloggers!

Chello readers!
I'm late again...I know. I actually was stuck this time - left my computer charger at my boyfriend's house and he watched a lot of football with his friends yesteday so I had a dead macbook and was not about to go interrupt guy time. Anyways, at least they're getting published by Sunday and not monday, so that's good!

Let's get on with it!

Dear Self,
Great job on food prep for the week! In two hours, you went to the grocery store, made a lot of salad, chicken, and broccoli, and have everything prepped for a healthy week back to school. Now, if only you can forgot those mint M & M's are hidden in the drawer with the foil and plastic bags, you'll be good to go!
Love, a determined blogger

Dear boyfriend,
I had such a great time at the Art Institute with you this week...It was definitely Michelle and Hektor's day of fun...seeing art, getting a coffee to share at Starbucks, and then ending with a slice of the best deep dish in town from Pequods! My fave part was your commentary on all the art:

"Well, she's all about that bass...isn't she?"

"What's with all those statues? Are they the same? They're's like an ugly version of Guess Who."

"I call this one 'Red-Headed Stepchild.'"

"Ohh's my bros! Hanging out, around 1800..."

Anyways, we really do have a great collection at our Art Institute...

Seated Budda
I thought he'd be fatter!


American Gothic




Van Gogh


Brought back my Art History class of freshman year of college (all the way from like 1999!) If you ever visit Chicago, this musuem is definitely worth an afternoon!
Love, Michelle

Dear Chicago Weather,
I had been crossing my fingers for a white Christmas and even thereafter, I was waiting and waiting for snow. And now you wait till the day before we go back to school? Com'on!
Sincerely, Over the Cold

Dear Work,
I have some mixed feelings about going back. Part of me be like:

but then another part is like, well, I get to see my friends and the kiddos and I actually did a little work this weekend so Maria will be all excited I have more things to order! So, definitely mixed feelings...but either way, see you tomorrow, bsd100.

That's all for me today. Did you need to send any letters? Link them up with me!

One more thing: Going to continue Sunday letters but only once a month from now on (first sunday) and then the third Wednesday of the month I'll do "What I'm Loving Wednesday" - so I'll see you back here on the 21st for that linky!


  1. Wow!! I'm soon a week late! Fun letters. Liked the art commentaries. Have a warm week!

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