
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

buddy or bully?

I love to blog and as such, would love if all the people who I love did it too, so when I find an opportunity to make that happen, I will proceed at all costs.

Two years ago prior to the Slice of Life challenge in March, one of the teachers at my school had started dabbling with blogging. I mean, I don't remember all the specifics, but I just went back to see her stats prior to SOL and there were a few posts here, some there. From September until the end of February, I would tell ask her to write blogs all the time. "Don't you want to blog with me, Jennie? Come on, write a post about our plan time - your cute bulletin board - our lunchtime conversation!" As we got closer and closer to March, I would keep reminding her about the SOL challenge that was approaching.  I mean, I guess you could call this behavior pushy. I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a blogging bully, but some people (<cough> Jennie) think bully is the appropriate word.

Fast forward two years, two SOL challenges later, and we're sitting together in the Illinois Writing Project yesterday and today. She's being interviewed by another participant, and I hear the world bully come about (with a smile) again, to which I interrupt, "Yes, but a bully who brings you presents!"

I know we're good now. She can keep calling me bully (please note the caption on her picture!) but I know she loves it! I love blogging for the relationships it leads you to! So happy to call Jennie my friend: IRL, at work, and on our blogs!

On a side note: Ordered the mugs here and they were processed and shipped so So SO fast - Like, Jimmy John's Freaky Fast! Highly recommend!

What unexpected friendships have you found yourself in, via blogging or otherwise?

Get the details for this challenge here!

Just remembered the linky! Deliver your posts here!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. I love your slice today! If she wasn't running the other way and hiding in the closet when she saw you coming, were you REALLY a bully? lol. Love the mugs! I found a mug at Walmart that I wanted and didn't buy it and now it's gone, it reminded me of Kid President and said: Don't forget to be Awesome....

  2. This is a great story. Your persistence has paid off.

  3. I'm glad you understand that when I say "bully" I mean it with tons of love! Blogging, Writing Workshop, and this Illinois Writing Project...It has changed who I am as a teacher and as a person. Thank you!


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