Just read that Chris Christie gave Bruce Rauner $2.8 million yesterday at a charity fundraiser. People in a group I follow were asking if Quinn even had a chance.
Also heard that Rahm raised $7 million in 7 days a few weeks ago for his campaign. The girl who is running against him, Amara Enyia, well, the media won't even recognize her. Bill Moller of WGN radio interviewed her and kinda scoffed at the fact that she had only $4,000 in her election account. Amara went on to tell him that she wants this position so she can serve her community, asking why does she need to raise millions to work in a public office? Check out that interview here.
So if you have to raise millions to get into office, is that really a democracy? Do we even live in one anymore?
Rauner will destroy public education in our state. He wants to make Illinois a right-to-work state and do away with unions. He wants to fund more charters, which would take money away from public schools. Check out this video on Rauner:
This guy can't get into office! I'm not sure who I want to be in office, but definitely not Rauner!
Another change that needs to happen is for Rahm to pack up his stuff and get out of the mayor's office. In his place, I whole-heartedly support Amara Enyia. She's got a degree in Education Policy Studies and a law degree. She worked under Mayor Daley and then did grassroots work on the west side. She also owns her own business! Meet her in this video...just watched and it gave me goosebumps!
I'm just wondering about our government. If you have to raise millions to win an election, how is that a democracy? Isn't that more like an oligarchy - when all the people with lots of money help one another to stay in office? It just doesn't seem fair.
So to you, my friends, be informed! The people can definitely beat out the 1% who hold large bank accounts....we just have to be knowledgeable about what's going on and use our votes to get the right people in office!

You're right, Michelle. It certainly does not seem fair. Amara Enyia sounds as if she'd make some much needed changes! Thanks for sharing another powerful post.
ReplyDeleteI conpletely agree with you. It's ao sad that positions can just be bought. And believe that those contributing will be making decisions on how they will vote. I also think it's sad that we have a mindset in their country to either vote for one side or the other. I have family voting for someone for Governor here in Texas who also wants to make everything charters, cut budgets (again!) and give parents more power in school hiring decisions. They are voting for him because he's the party they like, it doesn't matter that his plans will derail education more. I wish people would be more informed and more open-minded.
ReplyDeleteNot Just Child's Play
Michelle, our state has been made into a mockery by our current governor. Be informed and vote in the upcoming elections! That is my cry!
ReplyDeleteWhen I was teaching in Baton Rouge, we TRIED to read an article (for a week, mind you) about why the US has a two-party system, which, of course, is all due to who has the money and can afford to participate in the campaigns. It's totally off-topic, but it was SO frustrating for me that they weren't understanding the article or the graphics that accompanied it. Then, on the fourth day, a student raised his hand and asked, "What means a Democrat and Republican?" I about DIED!!! Concepts I didn't even think to scaffold! hahaha
ReplyDeleteDarin and I were running and Rahm was running in the opposite direction on Lakeshore Drive. That is my claim to fame.
ReplyDeleteIt's just so depressing. Rauner is awful, but crazy Quinn wants to take or pensions away! Can I abstain from voting? (No, because it would be irresponsible). Thanks for posting this thought-provoking entry...