I turned and asked her, "Hey, where did you get that pin? It's so awesome!" It was pinned on her bag right next to a Rolling Stones pin, and so it made sense that she got it at one of their concerts. She was friendly enough, but soon there after, she went back to her phone with games or texts, and I did the same.
A few stops later, as she was standing up, she turned to me, holding out her hand and said, "Here, you should have it. Just make sure to put it somewhere where people will see it."
I smiled and took it, asking her name.
"Thanks, Alice."
That pin stayed on my backpack all through Spain, so it was perfect time to represent our hometown while abroad.
I have a definite affection for this city, as most of you who read this blog regularly know. But also, after this incident, the people who call it home.

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