The Peak: BB3
Brezek-Bortscheller-Block 3 is BB3. It's always the kids (well, prob 95% of the time!) Our class is a seven-eight combo class. A few years ago we had to do this for scheduling reasons, and I was happy to hear, because one of my favorite teacher-researchers, Nancie Atwell, also teaches a 7-8 combo class. Why it's amazing? Well, the kids loop. So this year, we have 6 kids who are back and on year two with us. They know Andrea and I, they know the routines, they know what to expect, and so naturally, they help get things done without me even having to ask.
One day, one of them took it upon herself to do some portfolio organization for an absent student. collect all the extra supplies, and remind us as we taught the Signposts that we usually do a certain formatting with the note-taking.
These six also know that we do not repeat for quiet kids during whole group discussion, so you can count on them to begin the modeling of, "I didn't hear what you said, can you repeat yourself?" Already our seventh graders are learning about our classroom from all angles, including the returners.
And just generally speaking, we have a great class. For me it's great because I love my coteacher. We get along really well, we plan well together, we alternate who is teaching what naturally, and she's just easy going. In one of the letters a returning student wrote on week one, she said something like, "I'm so happy to have two teachers that are best friends." I'm glad the kids see it that way. I do too!
And also, our kids are pretty wonderful too. Our seventh graders are not quite as quiet as I was expecting, and we have a lot of leaders in the seventh grade class, too. They are not afraid to share out with the group and take chances. They are funny, and they are learning our limits, and it's all just good. So good.
I'm so thankful my principals take the time to figure out this logistical nightmare that involves scheduling the combo class so it actually works. I see so much value in it, and I'm hoping we're really going to see the perks in the Map and Parcc data later this year.
So the peak? BB3, most def.
The pit: I'm clumsy
I fell twice last week.
First time was right outside the cafeteria. I slipped on a banana. The custodian was walking towards me at the moment I fell with a mop, but it was just me trying to move too fast and in too much of a rush. I told a friend in the lounge what happened, and she's like, "What are you, Mario Kart?" That was a super funny interpretation of that situation, I'm still laughing about it! But seriously, I need to JUST. SLOW. DOWN. Right?
Then, later in the week, I was walking into the grocery store during a downpour and totally fell, that time, it was super embarrassing since there were a few people watching, and I am not sure how, but I bruised the inside of my upper arm. It still hurts!
So as you can see, nothing is perfect, but there are certainly great moments in any week!
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Wishing you many peaks in the coming week!

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