
Monday, July 25, 2016

gratitude lately

Hey all y'all! It's the BigTime Blogging Challenge. I'm writing every day in July to celebrate my blog's three year anniversary! Join me - write your post, link it up with mine, leave some love for blogging friends in the form of comments!

So many wonderful things to be thankful for. Here are just a few of mine from the last few weeks.

Pictures of baby elephants, because they're so adorable.

Word Swag, especially when a friend swags your words!

This book. It's amazing, and you should read it.

My bitmoji, I just love every one of them.
Especially when friends text you just to say hi with theirs.

Amazing friends like this one and a Cubs game on Friday.

Bottle and Bottega painting, especially when it's Chicago themed.

Free Cam concert.

Ice cream with the Bride-to-be.

Gratitude. It turns what we have into enough.
What are you thankful for today?


  1. I need that book!!!! I am awful as seeing the good in me!!
    Curious firsties

  2. Great list! I love you baseball picture (but I just love baseball... go Royals!).

  3. Your painting looks great!


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