I hope you had a fantastic break! I'm reveling in the fact that I'm still on mine (we practically worked up until Christmas!) and so now I'm home from Christmas travels and have a few days to relax and prepare for January. We go back on the 8th!
Last year, I picked abundance for my word, hoping that I would create a lot of that in all aspects of my life, but it didn't really go anywhere. My 2016 word, forward, was so much better. I've spent quite a bit of time thinking about this and I'm so excited to reset this year with my new word for 2018:
I have found that I go off on tangents with things. Or I have these great ideas, but then I don't see them through. Or I try and take on too much and so nothing gets done. So this year, I want to be steadfast with my goals...pick the right ones and then get pretty focused about accomplishing them.
Looking back at my vision board for 2017, I can see where I've accomplished things and where I have not, or have fallen short:
- Went to Spain, check
- Found a relationship (which promptly ended) but I'll say that one's a check
- Became a Teacher of Distinction with Golden Apple; didn't win, but check
- Wrote 88 blog posts (shooting for 100), I'll call that a check
- Read 40 books (shooting for 50)...so...idk. I will be kind to myself and say check :-)
- Became quite a bit more mindful via yoga, so check
- Did not get a dog (yet) <<-- Notice my growth mindset! :P
- Did not get an engagement ring (yet)
- Did not delete credit card dept (yet)
- Did not get a bikini body (yet) hahha, I mean, I'd like to lose 15-20 lbs but a bikini body would be amazeballs!
So I bring all this up because I need to become more focused. And so I thought if my word was discipline (that's what I started with) then I could pick a goal and see it through to the end. Except discipline sounds so rough. Then I found steadfast and it was love at first sight!
As I continued to think about this, I realized that there were a lot of things I want to do, but I know that if I try and do it all, I'll fail. Already this month, some of the things I want to do:
- Detox from the holidays, and by detox I mean cut sugar, alcohol, caffeine, gluten, soy, dairy
- Exercise (at least 3 times a week)
- Write in my Writer's Notebook
Just those three and I knew I couldn't commit to it all, so I'm just focusing January (and prob Feb too) on the detoxing and exercising. I'm going to keep my focus laser like and steadfast in this area in particular. Unwavering. Loyal. Firm.
And then, when I have done that, maybe mid February or March I'll get to the writing. Maybe there will be something I feel particularly compelled with at school. Or I'll take dating up again, ha. I'll keep reading along the way, probably writing, too... I actually become even more accountable with my eating and exercising when I'm sharing about it! (Did you know I became a blogger bc of a food challenge? Check out those posts here.) But you see what I mean.
So 2018. Steadfast. We're starting with health and who knows what possibilities lay ahead!
I know this isn't exactly teaching related (yet), but I think the better I feel outside of school, the better I'll be for my students. We'll see what I'll get a hold of in school with this #oneword!

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