"The lotus flower is one of the most remarkable creations of nature. Its beauty lies in its purity, because this magnificent flower emerges from the dirty and muddy bottom of a pond, yet still remains untouched and unstained by its soiled surroundings." sourceWhich got me to thinking, what a muddy week I've been having:
- Got blown off for a first date.
- Was stressed about my observation.
- Was short-tempered when I should've been more compassionate.
- Was overwhelmed with the amount of work to be done at school.
- Carried around some negativity I should have let go.
But also, there was so much beauty this week. Namely, this morning when I got to spend some time with some of my favorite peeps, the Literacy Coaches. We had just finished doing a few Quick Writes to share our ideas about coaching when one of them came over with donuts and said, "Oh, how could I have forgotten? We're going to toast you now."
"Toast me? Why? Because I shared that modification for quick writing with you guys?"
"No, for your Golden Apple. Donuts are sweeter, so we picked these up and we all want to tell you what we love about you, and how you are golden to all of us."
I started crying before they even began. And continued all through out. They told me things like,
- You made me a writer.
- Not only am I so happy to work with you, you have been a dear friend.
- You've told me you appreciate me and enjoy working with me; I can't remember another person who has said that to me recently.
- I try and remember how you did things. I've learned so much from you.
- You have taught me so much, I'm always learning when I am around you, there's always something to take away.
- You're awesome.
- You have such a warmth and a glow about you.
And so just when I was thinking about how muddy my week had been, how I was feeling overwhelmed and wishing I could have responded differently in a few situations, and how there were too many meetings, too much information to share and too many lessons to plan, beauty blossomed.
And I'm reminded of all the beauty in this life we live. It's everywhere. Sometimes you have to look for it a little harder but sometimes it sprouts and grows right in front of you as if you were the sun and rain giving it just the right amount of everything it needed.
Today in our meeting, we talked about why we want to be a coach, and more particularly, why coach in district 100. For me, it all begins with relationships. To the coaches: you have created a space for me to be myself, to be annoying in asking everyone to talk quieter, to be funny with jokes, to make mistakes and screw things up, to just be me, in my muddiness and in my moments of beauty, too. The relationships I have with you are a part of a wider community I feel here in Berwyn. There are so many teachers around the district who are some of my best friends, who have become almost family to me. These relationships and this community is why I coach and teach in District 100, striving to live at ease in the muddy water, knowing beauty is just beyond the surface.

A time I was thinking about a pet open my link to see more
My broken nail
Chance the rapper
What a beautiful reflection! (Also, I simply adore the book The Lotus Seed. Always sparked powerful conversations with my students.)
ReplyDeleteStarbucks drink
I didn't know this about the lotus flower. I've never had a favorite flower, but I think the lotus is it.
ReplyDeleteJen was telling me about your sweet morning together :) I didn't know this about the lotus flower, but it's such a beautiful thing. love you, friend!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great reflection! Such is the yin and yang of life, right? We wouldn't even know the good if we didn't have the bad with it. I love that they toasted you and I love that you wrote down what they said before you forget it! Love you BFF!
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