WRITE. Every day in March write a slice of life story on your own blog.
SHARE. Link your post in the comments on each daily call for a slice of life stories TWT.
GIVE. Comment on at least three other slice of life stories.
Okay, I'm still reeling from this video we saw at our Institute Day today. Watch it first thing.
Did you know our district is a 1:1 computing district? Yes, we are. One kid: One Device. I've always been lucky in that in all my schools, I've had crazy access to 1:1. My first year of teaching, a fellow teacher nominated me as the AzTEA (Arizona Technology in Education Alliance) Teacher of the Year. (LeeAnn - I'm still humbled at that nomination!) So crazy, but that was 10 years ago! I was able to be 1:1 in Phoenix...here's a few pics from my fourth or fifth years?
Anyways, this is a luxury that I've always had, which may be why I haven't really mentioned it much on this blog, but today I was *blown*away* by my school district.
We had an Institute Day today since it was a voting day. We usually start with "Ignite" sessions - five or six teachers will share 3 or 4 minutes of a quick technology presentation to ignite interest in various apps with the computers and iPads. Well, today....it was beautiful - because students were the ones who presented. That video you watched up there - that's Nadrian, little brother to a former student I had a few years ago. And what he knows about blogging now, as a seventh grader, is what it took me until my early 30's to discover!
I just feel so honored to work where I do. I need to remember that it's a pretty big deal that our whole district is 1:1, and even though it's been a great privilege for me over the course of my whole teaching career, some teachers are never met with these kinds of experiences!
One more awesome thing my district did: have all staff members tweeting about our Institute day throughout the morning. They had a Tweet Deck up and as you tweeted in real time, it would come up on the screens in the front of the room. If you want to see our conversation, check out #ilearnbsd100 on Twitter! (And please connect with me on Twitter @BigTimeLiteracy!)
Thank you, School District 100. I'm totally energized all over again and am so proud to be a part of your family!
Happy Tuesday!
PS - Nadrian - You're awesome! I love this video you created!

Awesome presentation by that young man! You are indeed a very lucky teacher to have access to all this technology. I love the idea of the institute day...but especially the students presenting. Thanks for Sharing